
Transcriptome Profiling with Microarrays


Phenotypic abnormalities are rarely a result of expression changes in single genes, so generating a comprehensive expression profile is critical when studying normal biology and disease processes. Additionally, important expression changes, such as differential exon usage resulting from alternative splicing events, may be masked when profiling at the gene-level. Microarrays provide the distinct advantage of assaying millions of distinct sequences in parallel which makes the technique immune to issues detecting and measuring low abundance transcripts, or rare alternative splicing events.

For fast RNA expression analysis, we offer a complete range of arrays for whole-transcriptome–, gene-, exon-, or short noncoding (snc)RNA–level analysis. All of our expression arrays are compatible with a wide variety of sample types and accommodate low RNA input. They are available in single-sample array cartridge and multi-sample array plate formats for different throughput needs. They all include our fast, flexible analysis software at no additional cost.

Transcriptome profiling solutions

Clariom Assays

Quickly reveal critical biomarker signatures from coding and long noncoding (lnc)RNA to yield key insights into the complexity of biology with whole-transcriptome array analysis. Clariom D and Clariom S assays (for human, mouse, and rat) are designed for whole-transcriptome expression profiling and biomarker discovery. Built using the latest transcriptomic knowledge from multiple sequence data sources, they are ideal tools to identify new RNA biomarkers.

GeneChip Expression Profiling Arrays & Assays